Store Regulations

1. General provisions

1.1. These policy (hereinafter referred to as the policy) apply to contracts concluded by the Seller as part of its business activities via a means of distance communication – the Internet.

1.2. 1.2. The policy assume that:

Client – means any natural or legal person or organizational unit to which the law confers legal personality, including a natural person purchasing an item for a purpose not related directly to the conducted business or professional activity.
Seller – WAYA Krystian Jurasz with its registered office in Rzeszów at ul. Hoffmanowej 19/302, registered by the District Court in Rzeszów, having the tax identification number NIP: 7952338023 and REGON 388895973 conducting business activity consisting in the sale of movables at a distance by listing items with an offer on the Internet or through a person who is the representative of the Seller to perform all activities related to the concluded Agreement.
Agreement – a civil law agreement concluded via a mass communication medium in the form of an Internet network.
Internet network – a means of direct remote communication based on a technical connection used to send all information in the form of electrical impulses at a distance.
Registration – factual activities of the entity aimed at identifying the entity and preparation for submission of a clear and unambiguous declaration of intent by the Customer on the form prepared by the Seller.
Internet domain – a designation assigned to the Seller on the Internet in the form of a combination of the name with the Seller.
Subject of sale – movable item or movable items which the Customer has marked by moving them to the appropriate column of the form as acceptance of the contract conclusion.
Account – the authorization granted automatically by the Seller at the request of the Customer to free and exclusive use of fragments and functions of the Internet domain which is granted after registration in the domain.

2 Registration

2.1. The Customer intending to conclude the Agreement with the Seller enters his data into the form, and is obliged to read the provisions of these Policy, which the Seller provides in a way that allows it to be saved and reproduced.

2.2. The form for registering customer data is provided by the Seller on the website he uses, operating under the domain:

2.3. During registration, the Customer provides his personal data indicated in the form, including name and surname or name, address of residence or registered office, electronic mail address (e-mail), telephone number used to contact him, and possibly a correspondence address in the appropriate fields of the form. Along with leaving the data, the Customer agrees to their processing by the Seller for the purpose of concluding and performing the Agreement with the Seller.

2.4. Providing the data referred to in paragraph 2.3. voluntary. Failure to provide specific data may prevent the Account from being registered, which may result in the Seller refusing to conclude the Agreement.

2.5. As a result of correct registration, the Customer gains access to the Account enabling him to conclude Agreements with the Seller. The Seller does not collect remuneration from the Customer for registering the Account and using it.

2.6. . The customer has the right at any time to access personal data concerning him, as well as the right to change or amend it, and the right to permanently delete the data. In the event of deletion of data, these data are not further processed by the Seller, with the exception of those data which are used to document sales and data for tax purposes.

2.7. The Seller is the administrator of the Customer’s personal data. As a data administrator, the Seller has taken appropriate organizational and technical measures to secure data. . The personal data collection in which the Customer’s personal data is processed has been reported to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection and has been registered under No. 145067

2.8. The Customer’s personal data is processed by the Seller only for the purpose related to the conclusion and performance of the Agreement, as well as to the extent necessary to use the Account by the Customer.

3. Conclusion of the contract

3.1. The conclusion of the contract takes place at the request of the Customer who, after the Account registration, selects and accepts the movable item being the acceptance of the offer to conclude the Contract, the marked item of sale manifesting itself by placing the image of this item in the basket symbol of the own Account created as a result of registration. The Customer informs about the acceptance of the Seller’s offer for the benefit produced by him, prepared according to the indications previously provided by the Customer and individually defined needs.

3.2. The moment in which the Agreement is concluded is the unit of time in which the Customer on the device used for distance communication performed the act of pressing the appropriate key confirming the conclusion of the Agreement, after having previously marked the order in the form.

3.3. The party to the contract is the person whose personal data was provided in the registration form as customer data.

3.4. The Seller shall immediately – no later than within 7 days – after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of acceptance of the offer by the Customer, to the e-mail address provided by the Customer be required to send confirmation of the conditions on which the Agreement was concluded. Failure to comply with this obligation by the Seller shall be deemed to be the withdrawal from the concluded Agreement by the Seller.

3.5. The customer has the right and obligation to check the conditions on which the Agreement was concluded by accepting them by familiarizing them with the use of distance communication tools.

4. Performance of the contract

4.1. Handing over of items to the Customer, which is available in the Seller’s warehouse at the time of placing the Order, will take place immediately not later than within 7 days from the date the Customer confirms the terms on which the Agreement was concluded and the amount of money corresponding to the amount due is paid to the Seller’s bank account. cash benefits under the concluded Agreement (Price). In the case of products made to individual order, this time may be slightly longer, depending on the complexity and quantity of the order.

4.2. The customer has the right to choose the method of delivery to him by giving it to a public operator in the form of Poczta Polska S.A. or other entity providing courier services to send to the delivery address indicated by it.

4.3. The entity authorized to deliver the items as well as the possible address for delivery is indicated on the basis of the instructions for the corresponding change in the content of the Customer Account.

4.4. The Seller may only add the cost of delivery of the item to the Customer to the marked Purchase Price of movable property by the Customer. The condition of adding the cost of delivery to the Customer is to inform him about these costs in the confirmation sent of the conditions under which the Agreement, referred to in point 3.4 of the Policy.

4.5. If the Customer does not indicate the address for delivery, the Seller will entrust the item to an authorized entity for sending it to the address of residence provided by the Customer during registration.

4.6. Along with the delivery of the item, the Seller issues the Customer proof of the transaction in the form of a receipt or, at the Customer’s request, submitted by checking the appropriate box in the form on his Account, a VAT invoice.

5. Payment

5.1. The payment of the Price due to the Seller with the possible cost of sending the item may be made via a transfer made directly to the Seller’s bank account maintained by Millenium Bank 33116022020000000493380331 or via the payment operator PAYU S. A. providing online payment services. In the case of payments made through PAYU, the money transfer service is carried out in accordance with the policy of this operator, which the Customer should read.

5.2. The Price may also be paid upon delivery of the goods by paying a sum of money to the delivery agent (Courier).

5.3. The choice of the method of payment of the Price due to the Seller belongs to the Customer and is indicated in the content of the declaration of acceptance of the Seller’s offer submitted via the Internet, by ticking the appropriate box in the form on his Account.

6. Withdrawal from the Agreement

6.1. The customer purchasing the item for a purpose not related directly to the conducted business or professional activity has the right to make a declaration of will to withdraw from the concluded sales contract within 10 days from the day of delivery to him by the delivery subject. The Customer may submit a declaration of intent by sending it via a postal operator – in this case, to comply with the deadline, it is sufficient to give a declaration of intent to withdraw from the Contract at a postal outlet.

6.2. After submitting a declaration of will to withdraw from the concluded Contract of Sale, the Customer is obliged to return the items to the Seller, if this item was delivered to the Customer. The goods should be handed over within 14 days. Unambiguous delivery of the goods to the Seller is to send the parcel to his address via the postal operator. . In this case, to meet the deadline, it is sufficient to post the package at a post office.

6.3. The costs of returning the goods are borne by the customer. In particular, he may not require the Seller to reimburse the packaging, preparation and delivery of goods to the Seller’s headquarters.

6.4. Any costs incurred by the Customer in connection with the obligation to deliver the goods to the Seller may not exceed the usual costs in force in trade, and in particular the costs higher than the tariffs adopted by public operators providing postal services or entities providing courier services.

6.5. The Customer has the right to make a declaration of will to withdraw from the Agreement by completing the form column marked “canceling the order” at any time – regardless of its reason – until receiving confirmation of the conclusion and terms of the Agreement referred to in point 3.6. Policy.

6.6. Customer’s failure to confirm the conclusion and terms of the Agreement referred to in point 3.6. Policy, consisting in the lack of its acceptance, means withdrawal from the Agreement concluded with the Seller.

6.7. The right to withdraw from the Agreement is not entitled to the Customer if the Seller is obliged to perform a performance with the characteristics specified by the Customer in the offer submitted by the Seller or closely related to his person, and in particular in the event of conclusion of the Agreement in the manner indicated in point 3.1. second sentence.

6.8. According to art. 38 of the Act on Consumer Rights, the right to withdraw from a contract concluded outside the business premises or at a distance is not entitled to the consumer in relation to contracts in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.

7. The Seller’s liability to the Customer for non-compliance of the goods with the Agreement.

7.1. The Seller shall be liable to the Customer concluding an agreement not directly related to his business or professional activity if the item is inconsistent with the concluded Agreement. In particular, when the item does not have the properties provided by the Customer’s Seller and does not meet the expectations regarding such items based on the Seller’s assurances posted on the website operating under the domain:

7.2. The Customer, due to the non-compliance of the goods with the contract, is entitled against the Seller to bring the item to the condition consistent with the Contract by its free repair or replacement of the item,

7.3. If it is impossible to bring the item into line with the Agreement in a timely manner or if it causes significant inconvenience to the Customer, he has the right to request a price reduction or to withdraw from the Agreement. According to art. 38 of the Act on Consumer Rights, this does not apply to items manufactured according to customer specifications or designed to meet his individual needs.

7.4. Notifying the Seller about the non-compliance of items with the contract may be made via the Internet using the Customer Account or by sending it to the following address: or by phone after obtaining the connection number: 48 791 494 260

7.5. To withdraw from the Agreement, the provisions of point 6.

8. The Seller’s liability under the warranty for defects in things.

8.1. The customer purchasing the item for a purpose directly related to the business or professional activity in the event that the purchased item has defects has the right to: withdraw from the Contract, issue the same item free from defects or reduce its Price. According to art. 38 of the Act on Consumer Rights, this does not apply to items manufactured according to customer specifications or designed to meet his individual needs.

8.2. Defects should be understood as having: a property that reduces its value or usability due to its intended use known to the parties to the contract, the lack of characteristics whose existence the Seller has assured the Customer, encumbrance of the item with the rights of another person, or the ownership of the item other than the Seller.

8.3. Notifying the Seller of defects in things may occur via the Internet using the Customer Account or by sending it to the following address:

8.4. To withdraw from the Agreement, the provisions of point 6.

9. Quality guarantee.

9.1. The Seller guarantees to each Customer that the item being sold has properties marked and disclosed in the offer placed on the Internet.

9.2. The customer in the case given in point 9.1. has the right to the Seller to exchange things for free from defects.

9.3. The warranty is granted by the Seller to the Customer for a period of 24 months from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.

9.4. The document confirming the granting of the guarantee is a document in the form of a receipt or invoice issued by the Seller to the Customer in accordance with point 4.7. agreement.

9.5. The guarantee granted to the Customer purchasing goods for a purpose not directly related to his business activity does not exclude, limit or suspend the Customer’s rights arising from the non-compliance of the goods with the Contract.

9.6. The guarantee granted to the Customer purchasing the item for a purpose directly related to his business activity does not exclude or limit the Customer’s rights under the warranty for defects in items.

10. Final provisions.

10.1. Settlement of any disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer purchasing the item for a purpose not directly related to the conducted business or professional activity, shall be subject to Permanent Arbitration Courts at the Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection competent for the place of residence of the Customer.

10.2. Settlement of any disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer purchasing the item for a purpose directly related to the conducted business or professional activity, shall be subject to the general court of general jurisdiction.

10.3. Changing the content of the Policy for its validity requires a written form and placing on the Seller’s website, as well as informing those customers via e-mail who have concluded the Agreement and have not received the goods. The amendment to the Policy may not limit the Customer’s rights, in particular the right to withdraw from the Agreement, as well as the rights related to the complaint procedure.

10.4. These Policy are available on the Seller’s website and each Customer is required to read its content before concluding the Agreement, which is always confirmed by checking the appropriate box in the form used to conclude Agreements with the Seller.

10.5. In matters not covered in these Policy, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of electronic services, the Act on consumer sales